クロスフィットをベースに誰にでも簡単にできるようにプログラミングしたクラスです。体力アップ、筋力アップ、シェイプアップを目指す方にオススメ! また、体力に自信がない、運動神経がほとんどない方でもすぐに始められるクラスです。
So, what is FitCamp?
Fitcamp can be thought of as accelerated cardio. it combines body weight and gymnastic movements with more traditional activities like running and jumping ropes. Athletes are introduced to weight movements through the use of kettle bells, medicine balls, and slam balls. Fitcamp is not only a great place to start one’s fitness journey, but is also a great introduction to CrossFit, for it engages athletics in intense workouts without the addition of the more complicated barbell movements used in our CrossFit program.